“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Nikola Tesla
“The universe consists solely of waves of motion. There exists nothing other than vibration.” Walter Russell
Simply explained: Everything is energy, vibrating at various frequencies. For our HEALTH: The energy must keep flowing throughout our body, without blockages and in the correct direction with the correct frequencies to balance our body parts for cellular communication.
Now available:
REIKI from my SPIRITUAL FAMILY - This is a very different type of Reiki. Very deep and very informative.
Energy is all there is. Everything that exists in the Universe is energy; vibrating and oscillating at different rates. Humans are also comprised of electromagnetic energy, and every cell, atom and subatomic particle that makes up the human body is vibrating at different rates, depending on their biochemical makeup. Chakras are high-energy spots of the body. We want to raise our ‘vibrations’.
The body consists of energy centers known as Chakras and a range of energy channels flowing through the body called Meridians. We all have an auric field (7 layers) or Aura surrounding our body and is the energy equivalent of our whole physical body, the Chakras (7 major & many minor) are equivalent of our brain and major organs, and the Meridians are similar to our veins and arteries but carry energy all over the body.
Life-force Energy can be most readily absorbed into the Chakras and distributed throughout the body. This is why we want our Chakras “open and balanced”. We receive Life-force Energy through our food, water, air and emotions; and that is why it is so important to have a healthy lifestyle to receive positive and nutritional energy aimed at being alkaline and balanced, rather than acidic.
Our bodies are being constantly stressed by conditions that are man made. Cell phones, televisions, computers, microwaves, satellites, and virtually anything that plugs into the wall are emitting electromagnetic waves that attack our body’s natural Biofield. Because our bodies are nothing more than vibrating energy, our natural Biofields are severely assaulted by these conflicting energies. Of course, our lifestyles do not help the situation, either.
I am able to work with Energy in many different ways; but, when it comes to adjusting frequencies, I use Vibranz tools. Vibranz has identified specific Blueprint Frequencies that match the optimum state of health for each of the body’s organs and systems. With Vibranz ‘tools’, we simply send the needed frequencies to our imbalanced body parts. The body, through its own inductive capacitance, integrates the energy to balance the deficient body part. When the organs and systems of the body are attuned with the correct frequencies, the body returns to a balanced state to protect and heal itself. When the cells are balanced, the body is surrounded with a protective buffer which improves sleep, focus, energy, a sense of calmness, and enhanced immunity.
Many, many years ago, I did Usui Reiki and then Sound Reiki. Honestly, I didn’t like it because I couldn’t do traditional Reiki rather than western Reiki. I couldn’t feel the energy moving in the body. So, I quit because I wasn’t sure how much healing I was actually doing. The Sound Reiki was creating sounds and I really didn’t like that.
For the past, at least five years, I have been working closely with my Spiritual Family. We put together The AMAZing Healing Session the end of 2022. They keep telling me, “It is the most powerful healing on Earth, today.” It deals with cells, activated stem cells, emotions, clearing old programs and some energy clearing.
Reiki is very powerful and deals with the energy that flows through the body in chakras and meridians. Chakras are the Energy Centers of our bodies. Each Chakra corresponds to different body parts and are responsible for different functions of the body. Each Chakra is like a wheel and brings in Energy and sends the energy frequencies to the different organs or body parts that chakra is responsible for. Many health issues are created from closed or imbalanced chakras.
Now, it seems, they want me to get back with Reiki to deal with energy problems in the body. My Spiritual Family actually does the Reiki by sending energy through my fingers to one area in the persons body; the worst, closed, unbalanced chakra.
First, they tell me which chakra that is and I send the energy to it, which circulates throughout the whole body, opening and balancing all chakras. Afterwards, I explain possibilities of why that chakra was closed and what needs to be done to help keep it open. The amazing thing about my Spiritual Family doing this Reiki is: It can be done long distance! I have to see the person through Zoom or something, but the Reiki can be done.
But, let me explain something else to you that is very 'out there', as they say. Souls are not perfect. They have issues that need to be 'worked on'. In each lifetime, each soul has an issue they are to improve on so they can change their level in the Spiritual Realm. During this Reiki, I can actually tell you what your Soul is suppose to be working on. This will help you in so many ways.
So, I am offering this fantastic Reiki on my website. You pay for a session, we set up a time on the days for Reiki and I schedule a zoom meeting. Sorry, I only know zoom, and not that well. A session of Reiki from my Spiritual Family is completed within about 15 minutes and is $50.
Go to the icon at www.HealingYou.Info/shop , then Healing Sessions, then the icon with Reiki on it. Pay for it and give it a few minutes to notify me. Call me and we will set up the appointment. I may have to call you back. So, leave a detailed message.
Between The AMAZing Healing Session and the Reiki from my Spiritual Family, your bodies cells and the energy flowing through it will completely cover healing you. GOD has Blessed You!
Stuck Energy is just like it sounds; energy that is stuck. Remember, energy is constantly flowing thru the body. We are not talking about emotions, only energy before it becomes an emotion.
Stuck Energy causes a stagnant feeling. It can be an ‘I don’t care feeling’. You may not feel you have any challenges in your life. Life could be a blah feeling. You probably feel ungrounded.
Removing Stuck Energy is the 1st exercise we do in the Amazing Healing Session to get all of your inner energy moving. At home, you may also try cleaning out your chakras to open and balance, acupuncture, tai chi, or qi gong.
Stuck Energy is not as serious as Trapped Emotions but is still something the body does not need. Removing Stuck Energy is part of the AMAZing Healing Session.
Trapped Emotions; we all have them from what we have been thru in this life and they are doing absolutely no good for us. I think ‘down deep’ we kind of know we have trapped emotions. Of course, we never called them that and we never really thought about it but we know we get upset on certain issues. We don’t know why; we just know we do.
Trapped Emotions are emotions that were not processed at the time and became stuck somewhere in your body.
Trapped emotions can be the cause of so many illnesses; mental, emotional and physical, directly or indirectly. Trapped Emotions do nothing but harm to you. Pain and illness in your bodies organs and tissues can be caused from Trapped Emotions. Anxiety and depression and other feelings you can’t seem to get rid of can be from Trapped Emotions.
*Your subconscious mind remembers all that you have been thru.
*Your subconscious mind knows what emotions are trapped.
*Your subconscious mind knows what damage these trapped emotions are causing.
*Your subconscious mind knows how Releasing these Trapped Emotions can create sudden improvements in your physical and emotional wellness.
*Working with your subconscious mind and your Innate informs us of what Trapped Emotions you have.
Wouldn’t you like to become whom you really are inside?
Energy is in all things and all things are energy, including us and our negative Trapped Emotions. Energies take on many forms.
Trapped Emotions originate from a particular organ but may become trapped anywhere in the body. These Trapped Emotions are of pure negative energy and are vibrating at their own frequency, causing surrounding tissues to vibrate at that frequency. This causes havoc on your health; mental, emotional and physical. Once a Trapped Emotion is released, that Trapped Emotion, from that particular cause, will never return.
I release Trapped Emotions as part of the Amazing Healing Session.
We all need to release the Trapped Emotions we have developed, possibly, from the womb to now. And then, we need to later release the Trapped Emotions we will develop in the future. This may take some time because emotions are always 'working' on us. There is no pain, no drugs, no touching. It is a very calming process. We release your Trapped Emotions thru my Spiritual Family.
The process of releasing Trapped Emotions will absolutely jump start your healing, whether it be mental, physical, emotional or for changing your personality traits. There is positively no harm to your body, only good.
TRAUMA CLEARING: We are trillions of cells holding conscious and subconscious traumatic memories. We hold these traumatic memories because we aren’t able to process them correctly at the time of the event and they are stored as incoherent wave form. Then we also have the generations of trauma passed down from our parents and their parents, etc. thru their DNA.
Trauma Clearing is different from Releasing Trapped Emotions ; both are energy. But, Trauma Clearing is for processed emotions 'layered' in all cells. Whereas, Trapped Emotions are emotions that were not processed at the time and became stuck somewhere in your body.
This trauma becomes so layered, PTSD, (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), can develop keeping the person from living a normal life. PTSD is too many layers of trauma in the cells. Also, ANYTHING taken to the extreme can become an addiction.
These layered traumatic memories cause havoc on our health. We need to start releasing some of these traumatic memories.
TRAUMA CLEARING SESSIONS Recorded. Example: Stress, Addictions, PTSD, Animals, Weight Control, Chakras, Body Organs, Body Systems, Body Parts, Liking Yourself, Irritation, Death, etc.
Peti-tyrant and Karmic Relationships and Cutting Cord, Strands and Ties are two very powerful Trauma Clearings.
Trauma Clearings are for both unknown and known trauma from our body-mind complex.
I use the Vibranz Clear Set to help release these emotional traumas from our cellular memory.
These two videos may be seen farther below:
Difference between Cellular Reprogramming, Releasing Trapped Emotions & Trauma Clearing
Clearing Trauma for Closed Minded
Longer and deeper personalized Trauma Clearings are available on the SHOP page in Groups of 3 for $44.44. Spirit worked with me on Trauma Clearings.
These are short Trauma Clearings:
We are all Closed Minded in some ways, even younger people. Being Closed Minded means we simply miss out on a lot of things in life. By understanding about Closed Minded and doing some Trauma Clearing to get rid of some of this layered trauma, you are opening yourself up to more wonderous things in your life.
This video explains The AMAZing Healing Session and the Empath Healing Session, the difference between them and why everyone should have one or both of them. My Spiritual Family says, "Everyone will be healed of everything, overtime, if they are open to it.” They have, also, just informed me, "The AMAZing Healing Session is the most powerful healing available in the world today."
Longer and deeper personalized Trauma Clearings will be available on the SHOP page in Groups of 3 in the future.
Now available:
ZOOM Healing Sessions 1 X a month
+ Healing House Parties
Procedure for a healthier you: Having an AMAZing Healing Session is the #1 procedure to do for you and your family and friends. Throughout that session, I am in charge in the beginning..
Towards the end of the AMAZing Healing Session, you will receive a Cellular Reprogramming Healing Session, which makes you CEO of your body and reprograms your cells. Then your cells will be replicating to new, healthy cells with the DNA back in them and longer telomeres and you have been connected and have learned to tell your body what you want. Then you can do amazing things for your health. Example: You feel the flu coming on. You simply tell your body that you do not want the flu and please get rid of it. That’s it; the flu is gone. That is what can happen when you have been put in control of your body during a Cellular Reprogramming.
I have started your bodies healing into motion with the AMAZing Healing Session, but you need to help.
Change your ways. What you were doing wasn't helping your health.
Start working with lifestyle changes and your energy flow. You’ve told your body what you want; so, help your cells for faster results. My book, “Healing Yourself Made Simple” shows easy lifestyle changes with explanations. You can simply replace certain foods and not tell the difference and follow some of the healthy recipes. This book is chock-full of information on all kinds of subjects, including the three bodies: Medical, Energy & Cellular.
Now you need to also start working with the ENERGY that we are and is in everything around us. To understand the ENERGY that we are is our cells, trillions of them, which are ENERGY. This has been proven scientifically. You can work with colors, music, Crystals & Gemstones, Tapping, Reiki, etc. to work with different frequencies. Now we have REIKI with my Spiritual Family. This is Reiki for 2025 and is amazing.
Then we have the Traumatic Emotions that have become Memories and are layered in our cells. These are detrimental to our health, especially the more layers we have. (PTSD) We need to do Trauma Clearings, over and over, to remove the layers of Traumatic emotions.
The ENERGY that is all around us and flows thru us in nine different energy systems can get blocked or stuck or flow in the wrong direction or too slow or be missing frequencies, etc.
Can you imagine if your blood did that?
We must constantly work with that Energy to prevent all of this.
ENERGY is so powerful, even though most of us cannot really see it. If we want to Heal ourselves, physically, emotionally and mentally; we must work with energy all the time and in the best way we can.
Consider this: Our planets energy changed around 2012. We are now suppose to be raising the consciousness of the world. Have you noticed all the bad stuff coming out about everything? That is so we deal with it and get rid of it. To raise the consciousness of the world, we need to be 'nicer to others'. Stop judging others and look in the mirror. We need to change our ways for a better world and healthier you. Our consciousness controls Mother Earth (Gaia). This is not an easy project.
Here are a couple situations you may have a problem with, that Trauma Clearing will help immensely.
These are short Trauma Clearings:
Irritation from friends & relatives:
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